
Friday, May 16, 2014

"All About the Benjamins" Chapter 11

As the scene reopens, the next morning is bright and sunny and we find Rebel and Kristie fast asleep on the bed of the truck. The farmer's 16 year old daughter walks in the barn to milk the cow and is surprised to see two completely naked strangers sleeping on the bed of her father's truck... 

Emma let out a piercing scream at the top of her lungs... A scream that sounded more like a police siren than anything else. Rebel and Kristie both jumped to their feet scrambling for their clothes. Meanwhile Farmer John, who was dressed in bib overalls and looking all the world like an Amish yokel, came running towards the barn with a pitchfork in hand.

"Who are you!? What do you want!?" Emma yelled.

"Nothing!" Rebel and Kristie shouted simultaneously.

"Nothing," answered Rebel again, pulling up his pants and then realizing how ridiculous they looked with one long pant leg and one short pant leg. "We were just seeking shelter from the storm."

Suddenly Farmer John came running into the barn, taking a couple of jabs at Rebel with his pitchfork, and shouting,

"Get back, ye heathens!"

Rebel, in no shape to fight and no desire, simply pulled a gun from his waistband and proposed...

"One piece of advice, old man," holding his gun sideways, gangster style. "Never bring a pitchfork to a gunfight."

Farmer John dropped his weapon. Backing in front of his daughter and spreading his arms out wide, he asked in his strong German accent...

"Please, don't 'urt me daughter."

"No,no. We're not going to hurt anyone," Kristie announced laughing. "We just need a little assistance."

"Ohhhh, okay den." Farmer John breathed a sigh of relief. "Come den inside... Emma vill arrange ya mit proper clothing my dear." he said looking at Kristie's full figuered bra. "Und ya can den mein Telefon use. Ja." he offered Rebel.

A little while later Kristie came walking down the stairs tugging and pulling at the sixteen year old's dress that fit Kristie like a second skin.

she walked in the kitchen where Farmer John had a map spread on the table...

"Now, you are here, ja... And ya vant there to be." he said pointing with his finger.

Kristie looked at Rebel and noticed that the old farmer had managed to find him a change of clothing as well, and a wry smile pierced her lips.

"What?" he asked with a somewhat irritated look, but Kristie only manage another giggle. Rebel turned back to farmer John and replied, "So I need to stay on...."

But was discourteously interrupted by Kristie's laughing so hard tears were running down her face so that she could hardly speak.

"What IS wrong with you?" Rebel demanded, becoming more annoyed and agitated.

Finally she was able to say, "You... in those bib overalls, that's got to be the funniest thing I'll ever see!!"

Rebel looked at her very seriously and said, "You won't think it so funny when you're big ass rips that skin tight dress out at the seams!"

However Kristie, ignoring his cynical comment, didn't even skip a beat as she examined Rebel wearing the old farmers bib overalls and a plaid shirt, "All you need is a straw hat to complete that ensemble." she cried. She could still not stop laughing.

"Alright, that's quite enough!" he demanded, stomping his foot on the floor and a scattering of cow chip flittered out of his rolled up pant leg. Kristie was splitting her sides at this point, laughing so hard. Rebel glanced at the old farmer who was trying hard not to laugh, mostly for Rebel's sake, but couldn't help discharging a series of quiet chuckles at Kristie's mirthful mocking. impetuously Rebel expulsed a loud burst of laughter and suddenly all four of them were roaring with glee.

Finally Rebel looked at his watch, which was already well afternoon.

"Thank you very much Herr Bauer," Rebel said shaking the old farmers hand. "You've been very kind, but we must get going now."

"Nein, you must remain für das mittagessen. Ja?" Farmer John said patting Rebel on the back.

Emma quickly interjected, "He means lunch" she smiled,

"Man cannot travel on empty stomash." he continued.

"Oh please, please." Emma begged grabbing Kristie's hands. "It's been so long since I've gotten to talk to a real woman, with just me and papa here I'm not sure what girl talk really is." she said laughing.

"You must have das gulasch, ja? Und Emma make ein strudel das ist vunderbar!" Farmer John puts fingers to his lips and smacks.

Kristie looks at Rebel with that "please can we stay look."

"Okay, okay... I guess I am feeling a might peckish." He grinned.

Emma and Kristie start screaming and jumping in circles holding hands like a couple of giddy school girls.

The four of them talked for a couple of hours while they all sat around the dinner table. They all were enjoying their time together on the nice fall day. As they talked, Rebel asked a peculiar question.

"Herr Bauer," Rebel said while chewing a mouthful of strudel.

"Ja?" The old farmer asked.

"May I use your phone to call my wife?"

Farmer John gave a quick glance to Kristie, then back to Rebel. "Uhhh, okay."

Rebel picked up the phone and dialed his number, expecting to hear the soft voice of Torie, but was extremely and utterly shocked when the coarse rough voice of a man answered...


"Who is this?" Rebel demanded.

"Ah, Rebel boy, you don't recognize an old friend... I'm disappointed in you."

"VAN!" Rebel shrieked out in disgust of his very name. "What the hell are you doing in my home!!!" he screamed.

"Simple my boy... You have something I want... I have something you want... In the famous words of Monte Hall... 'Let's make a deal'." he said in a boisterous laugh.

"I want to speak with Torie!" Rebel ordered.

"Ah, Ah, I give the orders here." His disposition instantly changed from amusement to grave. "Your wife and daughter are safe for now and they'll stay that way as long as you do what I say."

"Okay Van, I'll do whatever you say just don't hurt them."

"Bring the money to my yacht down at the city boat docks at dawn."

"I don't have the money... It exploded right along with my car." Rebel said with defendant sarcasm. "You remember my car right Van? The one you sent flying over the cliff when you plowed into me?"

"Hold on Rebel I got something for you." Van warned as he grabbed Torie by the hair and pulled her head near the phone. Torie let out a scream. "You hear that Rebel?" Van yanked Torie's hair again, and again she let out another scream.

"Stop bullshitting me Rebel!" Van cried out in sheer anger. "I checked the car before it went over the cliff. the money was not in it!" He then composed himself and in a more calmer, but still demanding voice, "If you do not bring the money to my yacht at dawn tomorrow your wife and daughter will be dead."


The dial tone was all Rebel could hear as the blood drained from his head and turned his face a pale white. Kristie could tell by his face that the conversation didn't go well.

"He's going to kill them!" Rebel shouted, pacing back and forth. "He's going to kill them both!" 

"Lets just give him the money, and.." 

"It doesn't matter" Rebel shouted, grabbing Kristie by the shoulders and looking her in the eyes. "Torie and Sophie are as good as dead, money or no money!" 

Kristie began kissing Rebel on the lips and cheeks trying to calm him down.

"It'll be okay Baby... We'll get them back."

"You don't know Dawson the way I do... As soon as he gets the money he'll kill them anyway." Rebel paused for a minute. "And me too." he uttered a melancholy tone.

"Take here mein auto." Farmer John offered, holding up the keys to his flatbed truck. "God speed witcha... Now hurry."

Rebel looked at the old farmer with a surprising and unforseen admiration. He had to swallow hard the lump rising in his throat. Never before had he seen such unmitigated benevolence and generosity shone to a perfect stranger. The old farmer had clothed him, fed him, and now was just giving him his vehicle, knowing Rebel had not a cent to his name, and expected nothing in return.

The only thing Rebel had in his possession that was worth anything was a gun and a watch. He turned his eyes towards his wrist and slowly removed the chronometer, handing it to the old german sharecropper.

"Take my watch" Rebel insisted practically forcing it into the palm of his new found friends hand. "It's a Rolex, 18 ct gold, worth thirty thousand simoleons, give or take." Farmer John eyed the sparkling Rolex, then looked disdainfully at the Casio strapped to his own wrist.

"Now, I'll be back in a couple of days for that watch, but..." Rebel paused for a moment to collect himself. "If something should happened to me....... If I don't come back... Trade that watch for a new truck." 

Farmer John opened his mouth to speak, but the words wouldn't come out... The lump in his throat and the tears in his eyes said it all. 

Then the four of them hugged, shook hands and said goodbye.

[The scene fades to black while the farmer and daughter stand waving as the truck drives away.] 


  1. Thanks for uploading this chapter. The story is getting really exciting!

  2. Thank you WendyPan... I had a lot of fun with this chapter... It has a little bit of everything I think... Humor, and suspense, mixed with a little bit of fear and terror... I think the next chapter will be a dandy.

  3. Your story is getting very interesting!!!! Thank you very much for uploading the new chapter!!!

  4. Thank you csh... and you are very welcome... I had fun with Herr Bauer, where mixing, mein sehr schlecht deutsch sprechenden zusammen mit englisch. Lol... as you know, the word Bauer means farmer in deutsch, but I'm not sure how many people caught that little hintful tid-bit... I wanted die alte deutsche Landwirt to speak broken english, however, that's easy to hear, but harder to write... After re-reading it a couple of times, I realized I could have done better... But still it was a lot of fun. : ) It's one of my favorite chapters.

  5. Good luck Rebel, you is gonna need it! I too liked your German farmer. It's rare to find such people these days
