
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Just One Kiss
Chapter 13
“I visited with Malcom before I made my return and have saved him a journey to bring his well-loved stu for you to dine on this evening.” He said with a smile as he spooned a helping into one of the two bowls I now noticed on the table. “And I thought that I would be joining you, should it that be well with you?” He paused in his serving, prepared as it seemed for me to tell him to go away.

“I would like that very much, if you joined me.” I was praying he wouldn’t notice my nervousness due to all that I had to share.

“Wonderful.” His delighted grin returned to his handsome face. I slowly approached the table. He had the heated stu all ready for us to eat and two cups of creamy milk in all their fresh perfection. My stomach growled at the sight of our meal, eager to taste it all. Hopefully, the needed conversation could wait until after we ate.

“Please, sit my lady.” He pulled out the far chair for me so I obliged his request.

“Thank you sir.” I smiled as I watched him take the other seat across from me.

“It seems as though I never had much use for this table until your arrival. Let us offer a prayer of thanks.” I nodded and folded my hands, not being used to prayer before my meals. He bowed his head and spoke in a rapid language which I guessed to be Gaelic. He raised his head after he finished speaking and we began to dig into our bowls of stu. I wished I knew the recipe for this amazing stu so I could make it when I go home. He must have been starving cause I watched him wolf down the stu as if it would be taken away from him at any second. I was content to take my time, keeping my mouth full so I could delay my news until I could think of a good way to break it to him. He sat in his chair and observed my eating tactics until my bowl was all but empty.

“May I ask how your day carried on?” He asked as I swallowed my last bit of beef, carrots, and onion. My postponement of my report was at an end. I gulped down a mouthful of milk and cleared my throat.

“Well, after Collum fixed me up, I decided to start on this floor in my search for any conversations from anyone. I kept my head low and found one room where three girls were talking. I couldn’t understand what they were saying. It kinda sounded like the way you said the prayer.”

“Gaelic.” He interjected. I nodded.

“Yes well, I couldn’t understand them other than that they said your name, Lady Juliet, and your uncle’s name, Edmund, right?” He nodded and looked highly intrigued.

“Can you say how they appeared?”

“What they looked like? Well, I couldn’t really see too much through the crack opening of the door. But there were the three women. One looked thin and young, kinda pretty with reddish brown hair. There was a taller girl with sandy blond hair, looked to be around the age of the other girl. But the third one was definitely older, a larger built woman with black hair. She had a kind face.”

“I believe I know of whom you speak. I shall have a word with them on the marrow. Go on.”

“Ok. Well, they were all that found up here other than more empty rooms and a locked door.”

“My uncle’s chambers be the locked door. My mother gave him that room after his wife had died. He does not stay. Did you continue on your search?”

“Yes. I went downstairs after that. I saw a few more people doing this and that but it was the kitchen where I heard the voices of people talking. So I snuck in there and hid in a corner. But they were only talking about other things that had nothing to do with your situation. I came back here for lunch that I made into sandwiches and then went outside. I went to the stables and then the orchard but there wasn’t anyone talking out there. I’d tired myself out by then and came in for a nap.”

“What be lunch and sandwiches?” Oops, forgot my words again.

“Lunch is what you call dinner and sandwiches are when you take two thinly sliced pieces of bread and put food in between them.” I demonstrated with my hands. “And then you eat it like that. But forget I told you about that though.” He smiled briefly.

“As you wish. And I thank thee Lady Kate. You have helped me greatly.” He began to stand up. I had to tell him the rest. I reached out and got his attention with my motion, I hadn’t even touched him.

“Wait, Liam, I have some questions, things I’m kinda curious about.” He sat back down. I’d come up with plan.

“What is it that you wish to know dear Kate?” He asked. Why was he so sweet in his response, almost made me squirm.

“Well, how do you really feel about Lady Juliet? I mean, do you like her at all or find her attractive or what?” He seemed a little out of sorts, like he didn’t know quite how to answer me.

“I find her to be a fine woman, dutiful and honor bound, as she was raised to be, a proper lady. But I do not see the spark of fire in her as I see in, say, you. I was not in great anticipation nor excitement of our forthcoming nuptials. As far as being attractive, I’ve always seen beauty in her face but it does not strike me as it once had. There is another who has captured my vision of beauty, one who questions me now.” My cheeks flushed at the thought of him finding me a vision of beauty but his attempt at changing the subject wasn’t going to work.

“All right, you don’t love her, you said that before. But how do you think she feels about you?”

“I do not think she cares too deeply for me either. We have not spent much time with one another to have any feelings of attachment.”

“Then, would it bother you or upset you if she found love in someone else?” I was nervous about this question, I was anxious for his answer.

“Hmmm, I believe that I would rather have her happy than miserable with me, a man she does not love. If she loved another, then I could release her without the burden of feeling I’ve abandoned her. If only ‘twere true.” He mused aloud.

“Ok, well, let’s just assume that she did love someone else, and then had a baby by him, would that bother you then?” He furrowed his eyebrows at this question. I could almost see the wheels of his mind turning. He blinked a few times before he spoke.

“What are you saying to me? Are these thoughts or truths? She loves another and has a baby? And where is this child? You have spoken to her and she revealed these things. Tell me all that you know.” I hadn’t seen him this serious or semi-angry since yesterday morning. My desire to make him happy once again was taking over my thoughts.

“Yes, I talked to her but that’s because I had no choice. I heard the baby crying and then say that she was his mother, I had to find out what was going on since she wasn’t going to tell you.” He stopped me in my tracks.

“Wait, the babe is here? How? Where?” I held out my hands in a calming gesture which he obeyed.

“She has him in her room. She wasn’t going to tell you cause she’s planning on returning to Richard and leaving the baby with him.”

“Richard, Richard Callway. But of course she would choose him.” He stared off. “He’s of the most wealthiest families in all of Ireland. They own half the isle it seems. The lords come to them for barter and trade. My father had once a time.” He paused, shaking his head. “If she only would but tell me, I would gladly release her to him so that they may marry and legitimize their child. Be she afraid? Is this her reason?”

“That was one of her reasons, yes, but also because of her wanting to honor your fathers’ agreement and to not upset her mother. So, Richard and his family are wealthier than you?”

“Aye, by far.”

“And her mother would rather have a title over being rich? That doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me.” He shrugged.

“I do not pretend to understand the woman.”

“So,” I began. “Now that you know everything, what are you going to do? I mean, are you mad at her? Me?” He blew out an exhale.

“I be not mad, not at her nor you. As for what I will do next, I will speak with her. Does she know that you would tell me all of this?”

“Yes. She kinda asked me to speak on her behalf.” He made a slight noise of amusement/not surprised.

“I will say all that you have spoken and if she does not deny your words, which I would be utterly confused should she, I will release her without hesitation. She’s all ready broken the contract but once she weds Richard, she will have her reputation restored and the life that she has chosen.”

“You’ll at least wait until tomorrow, right? It’s kinda late now.”

“But of course. ‘Tis been a long day and I am ready for it to be ended. Will you help me clear the table and place our dishes outside the door?”

“Sure.” I helped him gather our empty bowls, flat wear, and cups and set them just outside the room. I then excused myself to the washroom to freshen up. I’d done it, I got it all out and he didn’t blow up or something like that. I felt a strong sense of relief as I splashed the water over my face. I undid my hair and took care of my business before I returned to the bedroom. Liam had removed his shirt and was working on taking off his boots. I turned my back to him while I undid the apron tied around my waist. I took off the rest of my kirtle and dress and piled all the clothes on the cot that had been originally set up for me. I stood before him, seeing his eyes set upon me. I pulled my hair to the side to uncover the ties of the corset as I approached him at the bed. I turned my back to him and I could feel my cheeks flush hot with anticipation of his touch.

“Will you please undo the corset?” I asked sweetly. Without one word, I could feel his warmth behind me, his fingers tugging at the strings that laced the corset down my back. Soon, it was loose enough that it slid down my body. I stepped out of it and picked it up off of the floor. I turned to face his sexy gaze.

“I’ve brought something for you to sleep in.” He bent down and picked up a white folded garment. I took the soft cloth from him.

“Thank you.” I quickly went off to the bathroom to change. It felt good to get out of that gown that I’d been wearing all day. The new gown had a light delicate ribbon at the neckline and the fabric felt like a second skin. When I returned to Liam, I found him adjusting the covers of the bed, wearing only his braes. As soon as he had caught a glimpse of me, he stopped his movements, eyes trained on me, watching me as if he were devouring me where I stood. I dropped the gown on top of the rest of the pile of my worn outfit.

“How do I look?” His response was in the form of him rapidly crossing the short distance between us and taking me in his arms. He stopped just short of kissing me. Liam closed his eyes and let out a heavy sigh.

“I…I am sorry.” He let go of me and took a step back. “I acted rashly.” My stomach turned as it had before with that feeling rejection. I suddenly didn’t care if we were or weren’t supposed to indulge our feelings. I wanted that bit of passion I tasted this morning. I wanted to know more of it.

“Liam, it’s ok. You didn’t do anything wrong. If you want to kiss me, you can.” He reached up and rubbed my cheek with his thumb.

“Oh Kate, but how would this end? My heart is all ready full. It would be rather simple to fall in love with you if I allow myself to continue. No, it would be near impossible to let you go then and I find it most difficult now to face.” He dropped his hand. “I believe it is sleep that we should find.” He turned and went back to his bed. He lifted the covers and climbed in. I shook my head and followed him to the bed. I got in on the other side, lying as far as I could from him even though I knew he had watched me the whole time.

“You’re right. I don’t like it, but you’re right. Tomorrow’s going to be a busy day, so we need to keep concentrated on that.”

“Yes, tomorrow will be eventful. And the proper authorities will be waiting to collect mine uncle once I have his confession in full. You shall be free of me then, to trouble you no more.” He gave a very fake half smile. How could I tell him that I wanted him to trouble me? How would it make any sense to tell him anyway? If only we were from the same time, things would be so simple, so perfect, I thought. But I knew we were just not meant to be together. I returned his sad unnatural smile.

“Liam, you don’t trouble me. I just wish things were different.” I yawned unintentionally. “Good night Liam.”

“Good night Lady Kate.” I closed my eyes and tucked the covers under my chin. Why in the hell did I feel like crying?


  1. Awwww, poor Kate and Liam! How are they going to make this work.

  2. The answer to that will come eventually :)
