
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A short chapter!

The More I See You
Chapter 5

“Efferion! Efferion!” I called out, knowing full well she wasn’t far from me. She wasn’t appearing and I knew exactly why and what she wanted. I cursed under my breath because she was going to make me say it. “Annalise!” And there she was, standing before me in my living room, looking absolutely delectable. I pushed these thoughts aside. I had to focus on business and yelling at her for the other night’s gift. She stood with her hands behind her back, evil temptress.

“You changed your mind?” I narrowed my eyes at her question.

“Not for you, I didn’t. But for my kind, I’ll kill the demon.” I could tell she was trying to keep her emotions in check. “I got the key to get me there and since you fixed my things, I got that too. But there’s some ground rules here.”

“Oh, of course.” A little of her joy drained from her perfect face.

“One; no more gifts, got it? I do not want any more presents from you. I did not ask that you fix my things. Do not ever do that again, you get it?” My stern voice had escalated just a bit.

“Yes, I won’t.” She nodded.

“Number two; do not touch me. Under any circumstances, you are not to touch me. Understand?”

“Yes.” She nodded again.

“Three; you must put some sort of protection around me from the moment I put the key in the doorway until I’m chopping off Murdo heads or else I’m as good as dead. And four; when this is over, I never want to see you again. I got lucky this time because of the threat but I won’t be so lucky next time. Forget you ever met me, move on with your life, because that’s exactly what I plan on doing.” I paused. “As for right now, I have to go feed so I can be all good for whatever I need to deal with. And when I call you, you better show as soon as I do, no games. Do you understand me?”

Her face reflected my harshness. That original glow that she showed up with was long gone. Good, I thought, better she get that through her head now than later. This isn’t some holiday I’ll be taking. And there was a slight chance I wasn’t coming back but I wasn’t about to dwell on that prospect. All I needed was her protective magic and the direction in which to start walking, nothing else from her was required.

“Yes, I understand. I’ll come when you call me and you’ll have full protection. I give you my word.”

“Aight. I need to get going so if you don’t mind.” She nodded, realizing that it was time for her to leave too.

“Until you call.” And she was gone. I blew out a sigh and rubbed the back of my neck. Why did it bother me to have been so harsh on her? I needed to be that way so she’d know that I was absolutely serious in my disconnect from her. Or maybe it was for myself to cover my own ass. Whatever the truth was, I had to go find some blood, hell, a lot of blood. There days of no feeding and then Murdo slaughter would demand I drink and drink till it was practically coming out of my ears. And I knew just where to start looking.


  1. Good chapter! Glad to see she got some control over that Efferion. Can't wait to read the next chapter!

  2. I've got it already typed up too :) Got myself a little ahead with the typing. Might post the next chapter this weekend

  3. Yeah, I hate that Sasha had to be so harsh, but as I am learning, it must be for the best.

  4. One has to do what they must in order to keep their head on their shoulders, and not elsewhere, if you catch my drift ;)
